Blogging is a great way to earn passive income! Help your customers organize and plan their blog successfully with this amazing blogging planner. It was designed by a 6-figure blogger, Becky Beach, to help others with their blogs too. Becky uses a similar blogging planner for her own blog. Get this amazing blogging planner today!
It comes in 8.5 x 11, 8 x 10, and A4 sizes.
For those who want to sell on Amazon KDP, a black and white version is included too.
Less cute and complete Blogging Planners are selling like hotcakes on Etsy!
This is a PLR product, which means you have full commercial rights to rebrand it how you wish. You could sell this product as a personal use planner on Etsy or Teachers Pay Teachers. You could even turn it into a book on Amazon KDP and collect the royalty payments. The only thing you can’t do is resell the PowerPoint template as PLR or for commercial use. You may not sell a PDF of this planner for PLR/commercial use either, only selling with personal use is allowed!
Only $37 with commercial use rights!
Files Included:
- PowerPoint
- 8.5 x 11
- 8 x 10
- A4
- 3 covers
- 3 backs
- Belongs to page
- Ad network stats
- Affiliate information
- Advertising my blog
- Blog contacts
- Giveaways on my blog
- Blog ideas
- Post planner
- Post schedule
- Post promotion checklist
- Blog series planner
- Blog statistics
- Guest post information
- Link party schedule
- Monthly blog earnings
- Monthly blog expenses
- Monthly blog tasks
- Blog sponsors
- Password keeper
- Review on my blog
- Weekly blog planner
- Yearly blog plan
- 12-month calendar planner
This is an instant downloadable digital product. Nothing will be shipped!
PLR Beach gives no refunds as this is a digital PLR product that you can resell as your own. No exceptions!